The bareich is when we bless the third cup of wine. Here we fill a cup for a prophet, Elijah, and welcome him into our seder with open arms. We also fill a cup up for Ruth, the first "jew by choice" and welcome her by opening the door. This symbolizes the welcoming of all jews into the seder. No jew should feel left out of the seder no matter what they look like or different traditions/ways of judiasm they have. We welcome anyone into the seder who wants to become a part of the seder, the journey of the jews; anyone who wants to be part of the community. Every jew should feel intergrated and welcomed into the seder. All jews should be welcomed into the seder to be a part of our ancestors' path out of slavery and learn about the miracles of G-d. The third cup of wine, Bareich, is important because of that.  

haggadah Section: Bareich