
Leader: Now that our Seder is almost to a close, please fill your glass with wine for the third time tonight. This is the cup of remembrance. Please raise your glasses

Leader: We raise our glasses to those we have lost in the fight for equality and freedom. We raise our glasses because we will never forget the risks and sacrifices generations before us made to ensure our comfort and security. We raise our glasses because we resolve that this will not be in vain. We accept the responsibility of working to prevent such suffering from ever again occurring on this earth. 

Everyone: Baruch Atah Adonai Ellohaynu mellach ha'olam bowray paree hagafen
Precious is the life within the world. Precious is the life within us

Leader: Let's all drink our 3rd cup of wine, then fill our 4th and final cup. I will fill a special cup for Elijah.

Next participant: A leader and prophet, Elijah lead a peoples rebellion against an evil government. According to legend. Elijah never died and will return someday to announce freedom for all the people of the world.

Next participant: Miriam was also present and accompanied the Hebrew people at every stage of their journey. Rumor has it that wherever Miriam went, a wellspring of water sprung up to sustain the people. The cup of Elijah, filled with wine, is a cup of hope. It stands for the vision that lies ahead. We fill the cup of miriam with water, as it is the cup of life. It offers us sustenance to take on that journey. 

Leader: Now we open our doors and our hearts and invite Elijah to enter. 

haggadah Section: Bareich