The world was awakened and shattered by the images of a little boy whose body lay lifeless amidst the gentle surf of a Turkish beach during the summer of 2015 - another nameless victim  mongst thousands in the Syrian refugee crisis, the greatest refugee crisis since WWII. His name was Aylan Kurdi, 3, and he drowned with hisbrother, Galip, 5, and their mother, Rihan, on their exodus to freedom’s distant shore. Aylan and Galip’s father, Abdullah, survived the harrowing journey, and in teaching the world about his sons, he shared that they loved bananas, a luxury in their native, war-torn Syria. Every day after work, Abdullah brought home a banana for his sons to share, a sweet sign of his enduring love for them. Writes Rabbi Dan Moskovitz of Temple Sholom in Vancouver, British Columbia, "We place a banana on our seder table and tell this story to remind us of Aylan, Galip and children everywhere who are caught up in this modern day exodus. May they be guarded and protected along their journey to safety, shielded by the love of their parents, watched over by God full of mercy and compassion."

haggadah Section: Koreich