The Ballad of Five Women

by Rabbi Burt Jacobson, adapted

(Sung to the tune of "She'll be Comin' 'Round the Mountain")

The two midwives wouldn't listen to Pharaoh

Wouldn't drown the Hebrew infants, oh no no!

It was Shifrah, it was Puah

Who saved every baby Jew, ah

Those two midwives wouldn't listen to Pharaoh

Moses' mother hid him from the evil ones

For he was her flesh and blood, he was her son.

Yocheved made an ark

Put her baby in the dark,

Moses' mother hid him from the evil ones.

Moses' sister took him from the river Nile,

And she watched as Pharaoh's daughter came in style.

Miriam she brought her mother,

to nurse her baby brother,

Moses' sister took him from the river Nile.

And the princess brought him up to be a man,

'til away from Egypt Moses ran and ran

Batya, Batya she was great,

Joined the Hebrews in their fate,

Yes, the princess brought him up to be a man.

Moses' wife gave him the courage to go back.

If you stay in Midian, you'll end up a hack.

Oh Tzipora, oh Tzipora,

Without her we'd have no Torah,

Moses' wife gave him the courage to go back.

In the ark Her light upon him it did shine. 

Moses sought her presence, for her glory he did pine,

Oh Shekhinah, soul of Torah,

Now we seek you more and more, ah,

In the ark Your light upon him it did shine.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: Congregation Beth El