Bashana haba'ah
Neishev al hamirpeset
V'nispor tziporim nod'dot

Y'ladim b'chufsha
Y'shacaku tofeset
Bein habayit l'vein hasadot

Od tir'eh od tir'eh
Kama tov yihiyeh
Bashana bashana haba'ah

Soon the day will arrive when we will be together, and no longer will we  live in fear.
And the children will smile, without wond'ring whether
On that day dark new clouds will appear

Wait and see, wait and see, what a world there can be
If we share, if we care, you and me..

Many have dreamed, Many have died, to make a bright tomorrow
And their visions remain in our heart.
Now the torch must be passed with hope and not in sorrow
And a promise to make a new start.


haggadah Section: Songs