In Avadim Hayinu we thank Hashem for freeing us from Egypt. It explains that if Hashem did not take us out of Egypt, we would still be slaves to Pharoah today. We have a mitzvah to tell the story of how we got freed from Egypt. The more of the story we tell, the bigger mitzvah we get. This shows how important it is to remember how Hashem freed us. The only reason we are able to celebrate this holiday is because Hashen freed us.

In Avadim Hayinu it says that if Hashem did not take us out of Egypt we would still be slaves to Pharoah today, but what does this really mean? Do we really know what it felt like to be a slave in Egypt? It is hard for us to understand how hard things were for the Jews as slaves. It is hard to understand what we are really thanking Hashem for. The Haggadah Berura explains how bad things really were for the jews. Even the single word of פרעה shows how bad things were for the Jews. Pharaoh was a very cruel king. He made the Jews suffer a lot. It even shows in his name how bad he was. The root פרע means wickedness and evilness. This can help us to understand how badly he treated the Jews. 

Another reason is found in the Yetziat Mitzrayim Haggadah. When we think of Mitzrayim we don’t understand how bad Mitzrayim actually was. Mitzrayim was the lowliest nation in three ways. The first reason is that they were originally slaves but Hashem just gave them a kingdom for the reason of Klal Yisrael. The second reason is they were very impure and would always hurt each other. The last reason is they did avodah zarah and black magic. We can see from this how the Jews really suffered in Mitzrayim. From this we can understand how bad things really were and the reason why we are thanking Hashem. Now when we say Avadim Hayinu we will be very grateful to Hashem for freeing us from Mitzrayim.      

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story