Because on all other nights we are either Jewish or GLBTQA, but on this night we are both.

1) Because on all other nights we eat leavened bread – representative of the “airiness” and artificial nature of our lives – but on this night we eat matzah – representative of transparency and plain honesty.

2) Because on all other nights we enjoy a variety of tastes and vegetables, but on this night we focus on the maror – the bitterness of marginalization.

3) Because on all other nights we weep – dip once – for specific reasons and particular people, but on this night we weep – dip twice – for those who suffer and have suffered from physical and psychological oppression.

4) Because on all other nights we sit alert and rigid to an unsafe status- quo, but on this night we recline in safety as we hope to recline on all nights in the future. 

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions
Source: Ma Nishtana Haggadah