Instruction: Uncover the Matzah

Reader 1: Rabban Gamliel used to say: All who have left out the following three things concerning the observance of Passover have not fulfilled the complete rite of the celebration:

The Paschal lamb – Pesach

Unleavened bread – Matzah

And Bitter herbs – Maror

Reader 2: Pesach, the Passover lamb which our predecessors ate in the time of the Temple: what purpose does it serve here?

  • It is to inspire us to teach and learn about the Exodus which relates a story of how in the midst of slaughter, the Israelites are passed over and are saved from death.

Reader 3: Matzah, this flat bread that we eat: what purpose does it serve here?

  • It is to inspire us to retell the Exodus story that portrays the Israelites leaving so quickly that they could not wait for their journey’s bread to rise.

Reader 4: Maror, these bitter herbs that we eat: what purpose do they serve here?

  • It is to inspire us to retell the Exodus story which portrays the bitterness of oppression, of hard labor imposed upon them with cruelty.

Reader 5: We are taught to learn from this story and apply it in every age. It is our obligation to save others as well as ourselves from violence; we must do so without hesitation; and we must learn how to deliver the sweetness of freedom to everyone.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues
Source: Kehilla