Now that we've told our Passover story, we can answer the “Four Questions”.

1. Why do we eat matzah on Passover?

When Pharaoh let our ancestors go from Mitzrayim (Egypt), they were forced to leave quickly. There was no time to let dough rise and bake it into bread for the journey. So they snatched up their dough and fled Pharaoh’s army. The hot sun beating down on the dough as they carried it along with them baked it into a flat, unleavened bread which they called matzah. That is why we eat matzah on Pesach.

2. Why do we eat bitter herbs at the Seder?

We eat bitter herbs to remind us of the bitter life the slaves had while working for Pharaoh in Egypt.

3. Why do we dip foods twice at the Seder?

We dip the parsley or other green vegetable into salt water to remind us that spring is here and new life is growing all around us. The salt water reminds us of the tears of the Jewish slaves. By dipping one in another, we remember the happy and the sad times together. We also link together the ancient celebrations of springtime with the retelling of this important story from our Biblical tradition. Soon, we will dip our food for the second time, or rather combine, the apples and walnuts with wine to remind us of the clay and mortar that with hardship and suffering slaves used to make the bricks for building the cities and palaces for Pharaoh, but also to remember that it was sweetened by the hope of freedom.

4. Why do we lean on a pillow, or sit in comfort, at the Seder?

We lean on a pillow to be comfortable and to remind us that once our ancestors were slaves, and now we are free! We are free to relax and to be comfortable, and we do not take that for granted!

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues
Source: Oranges and Olives Haggadah