This night is different from all other nights because  before this night we were slaves unto Pharaoh in Egypt.  However, this night we are free men and women because the Eternal, out God, brought us forth from that bondage.  The ancient Israelites celebrated this night because this night, like no other night, they were free from that bondage.  Today, we not only celebrate that passage from  bondage and slavery, we also  celebrate this night to renew our committment to the liberation of  all people from the bondage they face in their individual and collective lives- the Jewish people from the continued bondage of anti-semitism; African-Americans from the continued bonadage of  racism and discrimation- individual, institutional, and systemic; Women from the continued bondage of sexism and misogyny, Muslims from the continued bondage of Islamophobia: and the members of the LGBTQ community from the continued bondage of  homophobia, and sexual discrimination.

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions
Source: Richard A. Lewis