Ani Ma-anim:


Ani ma'amin,
Be'emuna shelema

Beviat hamashiach ani ma'amin
Beviat hamashiach, ma'amin
Beviat hamashiach ani ma'amin
Beviat hamashiach, ma'amin

Veaf al pi sheyitmahmeha
Im kol zeh, achake loh
Veaf al pi sheyitmahmeha
Im kol zeh, achake loh

Im kol zeh, im kol zeh, achake loh
Achake bechol yom sheyavoh
Im kol zeh, im kol zeh, achake loh
Achake bechol yom sheyavoh

Ani ma'amin

I believe with complete faith
In the coming of the Messiah, I believe

Believe in the coming of the Messiah
In the coming of the Messiah, I believe
Believe in the coming of the Messiah

And even though he may tarry
Nonetheless I will wait for him
And even though he may tarry
Nonetheless I will wait for him

Nonetheless, I will wait for him
I will wait every day for him to come
Nonetheless, I will wait for him
I will wait every day for him to come

I believe

haggadah Section: Bareich