The fourth cup represents the fourth expression of redemption: " Ve'lakachti -- and I will take you as My nation, and I will be your G-d" (Exodus 6:6-8). It is peculiar that as soon as we are redeemed from Egypt, we enter another servitude-- servitude to G-d. Yet this servitude to the Almighty is a servitude that allows freedom. It is a servitude to a masters who allows us to be individuals, a master that promises to care for us. In contrast to Pharaoh, who refused Moses' request to let the Jews rest for just three days to bring offerings to G-d (Exodus 5:2-5), our Master demands we take time to rest (by observing Shabbat). Within commitment, we can find freedom-- so long as we are commiting to one worth the commitment. 

haggadah Section: Hallel
Source: Rabbi Shai Held