And the Egyptians Ill-Treated Us and Afflicted Us and Laid Heavy Bondage upon Us.


And the Egyptians ill-treated us, afflicted us and laid heavy bondage upon us.

"The Egyptians ill-treated us:"   As it is said: Come, let us deal wisely with them lest they multiply and, if there should be a war against us, they will join our enemies, fight against us and leave the land."

"And they afflicted us:"   As it is said: "They set taskmasters over the people of Israel to make them suffer with their burdens, and they built storage cities for Pharaoh, Pitom and Ramses."

"And they laid heavy bondage upon us:"   As it is said: "The Egyptians made the children of Israel work with rigor. And they made their lives bitter with hard work, with mortar and with bricks and all manner of service in the field, all their work which they made them work with rigor."

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: Illustration: Hamburg, 1740, Life was Embittered for the Jews