The Torah speaks of Four Students:

The Sharp Student says “What are the testimonies, the statutes and the laws which our God has commanded you” and so you shall answer them according to the capacity of their sharpness of wit.

The High EQ one says “What is this service to you?” So you will make an effort to reign in their longings, for s/he also wants to be a part of the integrity and perfection that comes with meaningful rituals. If you are loving, then they will understand devekut / cleaving, and will get a taste of what it means to feel close to God.

The Good one says, “What is this?” and so you shall bear witness to them from your own experience, that hashem yitbarach is assisting you with ‘a strong hand’, to take you out and to take them out of Mitzrayim.

The One who does not question, you will feed them some maror / horseradish, so they will feel their friends’ troubles and so that compassion will be instilled in their heart. 

haggadah Section: -- Four Children
Source: Velveteen Rabbi's Haggadah for Pesach