The Afikomen is the last piece of matza to be eaten at the Seder. It is part of the middle matza that has been hidden at the beginning of the Seder. The Afikomen must be eaten before the Seder can be completed. 

Traditionally, children hunt for it and then bargain with the leader for a fee for its return to complete the sedar. This symbolizes the rights of children to be heard, be involved in family decisions and of their importance in our future. Since there are no children currently capable of finding the afikomen, Hannah "Leo" your time will come, Dani has created a sheet for all of us to release our inner child and find it so the sedar can resume.

Song: Hiney Mah Tov

Hiney mah tov
She-vet a-khim-gam-ya-khad

Behold how good and how pleasing for brothers (people) to sit together in unity

haggadah Section: Tzafun