Choose one of the following areas of your life that could use a little more time, energy, attention, or… feels a little broken (like our matzah at Yachatz). Close your video for one minute and choose an item that represents that area of your life.

Life Domains:

  • Spirituality

  • Intellectual Curiosity 

  • Social Life

  • Emotional Wellbeing 

  • Work Balance 

  • Physical Body 


“I chose this yoga mat representing my physical body. When I stretch and work out I always feel good and it’s always the first to go to the bottom of my priority list when there are other things to do. Definitely a part of my life that could use some repair.”

“I chose this coffee cup representing my work balance. I drink from it every morning to start my work day and then the work day never seems to end, and often feels unsustainable. Absolutely a domain of my life that needs some recalibration.”

Share your item back with the group if you feel comfortable! 

(activity adapted from

haggadah Section: Yachatz