Moshe is not mentioned in the Haggadah.

Why do you think that is?

How does this absence of honor to Moshe contrast to Pharoah, who believes himself to be a god and cannot see Hashem in the world?

“The drama of the plagues is a twofold confrontation. At one level, it is a battle between Pharoah and Moshe, two human beings. At another it is a contest between the man who believes he is a god and God himself. The Egyptians worshipped nature… Each of the first nine plagues is designed to show both the Israelites and the Egyptians that nature is not the ultimate reality. It can be a blessing; it can also be a curse.” – The Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

In what way are we being humbled this year?

How does this reminder make us feel less in control of our lives and turn to Hashem for guidance?

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues
Source: Ms. Kletenik