A Post-Quarantine Dayenu

By Rabbi Sarah Marion

When this quarantine ends, and we never again take a single hug, handshake, or human touch for granted….Dayenu, it will be enough.

When this quarantine ends, and we return to the rushing, swirling, spinning world with a newfound appreciation for slowing down…

When life resumes, but, this time, with more room for rest, laughter, creativity, connection and play…Dayenu, it will be enough.

When this quarantine ends, and we mourn the loss of school days, play dates, family vacations, but we focus, as well, on the tremendous life lessons that our children learned throughout it all…Dayenu, it will be enough.

When this quarantine ends, and we look our doctors, nurses and healthcare workers in the eye and thank them, from the bottom of our hearts, for putting their lives on the line so that we could live…Dayenu, it will be enough.

When this quarantine ends, and we use all that we have learned to ensure that we are never again so woefully unprepared for a global health pandemic…Dayenu, it will be enough.

When this quarantine ends, and we don’t stop protesting, organizing, lobbying - doing whatever we need to do - until affordable, accessible and adequate health care for every American becomes a reality….Dayenu, it will be enough.

When this quarantine ends, and we understand the incredible ways that quarantining millions to avoid one plague has only exacerbated countless others - plagues like domestic violence, poverty, racism and greed, just to name a few…

When this quarantine ends, and we re-focus our attention and our energy towards abolishing all the other horrific plagues that still pervade our world…Dayneu, it will be enough.

When this quarantine ends, and we realize that going back to “normal” is not what we should want or hope for…Dayenu, it will be enough.

When this quarantine ends, and we live each day of our lives with more fullness, more compassion, more gratitude, more purpose and more joy than ever before…Dayenu, Dayenu, then it will truly be enough.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu