Dayenu: A Jewish Template for Gratitude

We don’t realize how lucky we are until we speak our blessings in detail. Dayenu is not merely a reflection on Passover, but template for true thanks.

Imagine for a moment a thank-you note where instead of the usual clichés you had a note in the form of Dayenu, outlining several details of appreciation. Had the person done only one it would have been enough.

Now imagine receiving such a note — highly personal, thoughtful and unique. It might the thank-you note you actually save.

Dayenu suggests this very formula when thanking God. It is our detailed thank-you note to God — not only for saving us from the terrors of Egypt, but for giving us the instruments and experiences to form a life of Jewish meaning. It’s a wonder that we don’t recite it every day. But at our seder tables, we might take a moment after this jubilant song to turn to those at the table and, in detail, describe how blessed we are in their presence.

Dr. Erica Brown

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story