There are three ceremonial matzot. The middle matzah is now broken in two. The larger piece is called the Afikomen, from the Greek word that means dessert. The Afikomen is hidden to be found later and eaten after dinner.

Why three matzahs you may ask?

One explanation for three is that they represent the classifications of Jews; the Kohen's (priests), the Levi's (assistants to the priests) and Yisrael (the people of Israel). Another interpretation is that the two matzahs represent the two loaves of challah (braided bread) we place on the Shabbat and holiday table. The third matzah represents the bread of poor people. Or yet another interpretation is that the three matzahs recall the meal Abraham asked Sarah to prepare for the three angels who visited Abraham as told in Genesis.

haggadah Section: Yachatz