The 4 Sons by David Zebuloni

The Zaddik, the Rasha, the Tam, the Sheeno Yodea Lishol: four persons, but only three categories. 
The Zaddik belongs to the elite, he will always be the Disney hero, the man with the perfect curriculum, the one who can make valuable actions, the personification of nobles virtues. 
Also the Rasha draws our attention. 
Irreversible evil subject, capable provocateur, skillful conspirator. 
Arrogant, he doesn't fear anyone. He grows thanks to fears and incertenties. he spreads hate and harm. 
And now the rest: let's cheer up the Tam and the Sheeno Yodea Lishol, and let's them make their own weak category together. 
They are accused of being naive and ignorant, but they are only guilty of being simple. 
They represent the "invisibles", and behind our back, they color our days. They represent the shy and the insecure. They are not looking for merits and attentions. 
They represent a rare perfection, that you can find only in the deepest imperfection.
This year Pesach confide us a big responsibility, he invite us to do a further effort.
This year Pesach ask us to appreciate the simplicity of Tam, and to respect the silence of Sheeno Yodea Lishol; he ask us to stimulate his curiosity or accept his silence and maybe, even learn from it. 
This year we are ask to look around us and to "pass over" every appearance, to dig inside every soul, and to discover the faces behind every mask. 
This year we are ask to find all the invisibles, and to applaud to their huge bravery, honoring that incredible humanity that our lives need.

haggadah Section: -- Four Children