We have come to the end of the meal. In more traditional Seders this section acts as an extended praise to God who gave us the earth and the food and the fruit of the vine. 

But it is people who watered the vine, picked and smashed the grape, fermented and bottled and packaged and sold the wine. It is people who, despite it not being safe today, still toil in fields and work in stores so that we may have food and drink.  

As we are almost finished enjoying the fruits of so many laborers it is an appropriate time to ponder what will come of the fruits of our labor. Just as food and wine does not come from God without the help of many hands, so to will our liberation not come from God, or Elijah, but rather from the awesome power of our collective might. 

A power that has yet to be unleashed onto earth, that is harnessed through the solidarity and commitment to shared struggle not just of the Jewish people but of all peoples, a power that transcends gender, sexuality, race, religion, and the fictional borders man has drawn on a map. Opening the door for Elijah symbolizes letting that collective power into our homes, and allowing our own power to radiate out and join in collective struggle. Now that we are opening doors with reticence and less frequency we are finding the light of our collective power in cell phone screens and zoom calls. The digitized nature of our solidarity does not diminish it.  


On the next page you'll see the lyrics for Di Shvue, which translates to “The Oath” it was written by S. Ansky in 1902 and became the anthem of the General Jewish Labor Bund. As the bund is no longer active let this song stand not as a pledge of loyalty to an organization, but rather to the revolution that will bring about the liberation of all peoples.  

Di Shvue

Brider un shvester fun arbet un noyt

Ale vos zaynen tsezeyt un tseshpreyt

Tsuzamen, tsuzamen, di fon iz greyt,

Zi flatter fun tsorn, fun blut iz zi royt!

Brothers and sisters in toil and struggle

All who are dispersed far and wide

Come together, the flag is ready

It waves in anger, it is red with blood!

A shvue, a shvue, af lebn un otyt. 

Himl un erd veln undz oyshern

Eydet vet zayn di likhtike shtern

A shvue fun blut un a shvue fun trern, 

Mir shvern, mir shvern, mir shvern!

Swear an oath of life and death! 

Heaven and earth will hear us,

The light stars will bear witness

An oath of blood, an oath of tears,

We swear, we swear, we swear!

Mir shvern a trayhayt on grenetsn tsum bund. 

Nor er ken bafrayen di shklafn atsind. 

Di fon, di royte, fun blut iz zi royt!

A shvue, a shvue, af lebn un toyt 

We swear an endless loyalty to the Bund

Only it can free the slaves now. 

The red flag is high and wide. 

It waves in anger, it is red with blood! 

Swear an oath of life and death! 

haggadah Section: Bareich