In 1965 a non-violent protest began in order to obtain the voting civil rights of black people in Selma, Alabama. The first of these protests was organized by Rev. James Bevell, and was met with police brutality which resulted in the death of Methodist deacon Jimmie Lea Jackson. 
Then, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. called the religious leaders of all the country to join them at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in a second march. A historical kneel-in took place: as they arrived where the police had beaten the first protesters on the first march, the protesters bowed down and prayed for justice, freedom and hope for the day where the lion and the lamb will lie together in peace (Isaiah 11:6):
A third march was organized when the president sent federal policemen to protect the protesters and prevent another possible violent reaction, like the first. Thousands of protesters marched for 5 days. At the end, MLK delivered a historical speech: How long? Not Long!

All the details here:

  • Music: "Pick 'Em Up and Lay 'Em Down" by The Freedom Voices, Len Chandler

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story