The Second Cup

As we recite the prayer over the wine, let us also pray for and work toward the moment when all human beings will celebrate their liberation, experience equality, and live secure, peaceful lives.

As we recline in comfort this night and remember our suffering we commit to support children, wherever they live, who have been robbed of their childhoods because of violent conflict; We commit to support those who struggle with the horrors of hunger and fight to sustain their families; We commit to stand in solidarity with people whose freedoms are denied by leaders and governments that abuse the rights of their citizens.

As we raise our glasses, let us pledge to raise ourselves up to support those throughout the world who seek to shed the chains of poverty, violence and discrimination, and who strive for a future of dignity and justice.

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olum boray pre hagafen.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu