Seder means order. There are 15 parts that tradition dictates for our celebration.  They are:

1. KADESH - a blessing over wine

2. URCHATZ - ritual washing of hands without the usual blessing

3. KARPAS - eating some leafy greens or green vegetables

4. YACHATZ - raising up and breaking the middle Matzah

5. MAGGID - the telling of the Exodus story

6. RACHTZH - ritual washing of hands before eating

7. MOTZI – the blessing over bread and the meal

8. MATZAH – the blessing over the Matzah, emphasizing the special nature of eating Matzah

9. MARROR – eating bitter herbs

10. KORECH – eating a sandwich of Matzah and bitter herbs and the charoset

11. SHULCHAN ORECH – the festive meal

12. TZAFUN – eating the Afikomen (more on that later)

13. BARECH – grace after meals

14. HALLEL – singing psalms of praise

15. NIRTZAH – conclusion

haggadah Section: Introduction