(to the tune of 3 Jolly Fisherman)

There will be 10 plagues in Egypt’s land

In order to make you understand

That God is the only one

Who created the earth and the sun

We don’t want to work anymore!

The first will turn the Nile to blood,

The 2nd will bring forth frogs from the mud

The third will make you itch real bad

The next, the flies will make you mad

We don’t want to work anymore!

The fifth will make the meat all spoil

The sixth will cover the people with boils

The seventh one will make hail fall

Then locusts they will cover all

We don’t want to work anymore!

The next two will be the very worst

The daytime will turn into night

But we will still have lots of light

We don’t want to work anymore!

Pharoah forced us to the very last one

God killed all the first born sons

It isn’t something God wanted to do

But freedom’s a must for every Jew

We didn’t have to work anymore

haggadah Section: Cover
Source: original