Take turns reading the 10 quotes below, followed by a 2 minute moment of silence. Each quote is taken from a news article from the last year. 

“I can barely buy a piece of stale bread, that’s why my children are dying before my eyes.” [Yemen]

“The Rakhine burned their houses down,” she said, referring to civilians from the Buddhist ethnic group that gives Rakhine State its name. “My friend is gone forever.” [Myanmar]

"I don't have my son with me. He's not coming back, period. He's gone. He's dead. So what are our options in here," [Parkland, FLorida]

“He approached me and told me in so many words, ‘I want you to have sex with this guy for money,’ I was very uncomfortable and I kept saying no, I didn’t want to do it. He kept telling me, ‘If you love me, you’ll do this. It’s just one thing. Just try it.’” [Texas]

“[The government] comes to your house, they ask you a series of questions, and you start to think, if I answer ‘no,’ they can cut me from health care. It just leaves you overwhelmed.” [Venezuela]

“What matters is he was a father of two, he had his family, he was an unarmed black man that was going to his grandparent’s house, and got assassinated, Nothing else matters at that point." [Sacremento California]

“We avoided the road because we heard horrible stories that women and girls are grabbed while passing through and are raped, but the same happened to us,. There is no escape — we are all raped.” [South Sudan]

“Thousands of people who have had their lives dramatically altered by sexual violence have reached out to share their own experiences with me and have thanked me for coming forward…At the same time, my greatest fears have been realized—and the reality has been far worse than what I expected. My family and I have been the target of constant harassment and death threats.” [Washington DC]

“It’s crazy seeing the world advance by the minute while seeing a place you call home decline by the second.” [Gaza]

“Mommy, I love you and adore you and miss you so much. Please, Mom, communicate. Please, Mom. I hope that you’re OK and remember, you are the best thing in my life.” [Detention Center, Arizona]

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues