10 Plaques are still with us

[Image from TATCOG SCHOOL]

Ten Plagues of Being Intermarried

  1. Not comfortable with Hebrew.
  2. Can't stomach the idea of gefilte fish.
  3. Songs are unfamiliar.
  4. Being dragged into a war in a faraway land.
  5. People assuming I'm Jewish when I'm not.
  6. Not being recognized as a full citizen.
  7. My in-laws' (original) discomfort.
  8. Losing my family traditions/identity.
  9. Children have different set of beliefs (maybe even body parts) than I do.
  10. Not feeling welcomed by the community.

Our rabbis taught: "The sword comes into the world because of justice delayed and justice denied." [Baskin Haggadah, p. 49]

A Common Road to Freedom, A Passover Haggadah for a Seder
Religious Action Center

Each drop of wine is our hope and prayer that people will cast out the plagues that today threaten everyone, everywhere they are found, beginning in our own hearts:

The making of war, The teaching of hate and violence,
Despoliation of the earth,
Perversion of justice and government,
Fomenting of vice and crime,
Neglect of human needs,
Oppression of nations and peoples,
Corruption of culture,
Subjugation of science, learning, and human discourse,
The erosion of freedoms.

Out rabbis taught: God is urgent about justice, for upon justice the world depends... [Baskin Haggadah, p. 49]

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues
Source: http://www.rac.org/ten-plagues-0