10 Plagues

Midrash teaches that, while watching the Egyptians succumb to the ten plagues, the angels broke into songs of jubilation. God rebuked them, saying “My creatures are perishing, and you sing praises?”

As we recite each plague, we spill a drop of wine—a symbol of joy—from our cups. Our joy in our liberation will always be tarnished by the pain visited upon the Egyptians.


BLOOD / dam

FROGS / tzfardeiya

LICE / kinim

BEASTS / arov


BOILS / sh’chin

HAIL / barad

LOCUSTS / arbeh

DARKNESS / choshech

DEATH OF THE FIRSTBORN / makat b’chorot

I invite you to take a drop of wine from your glass as we add to this list. Today’s plagues include: [Everyone is invited to add a plague.]

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues
Source: Maeve Boardman