But Pharaoh hardened his heart and refused to let the Jewish people go. That is why God sent the Ten Plagues. It is a tradition to remove ten drops of wine from our cups as we recite the ten plagues as a remembrance that while the Jews were redeemed through these plagues, people did suffer. Remove a drop of wine for each plague as you recite its name.

1. Blood Dam

2. Frogs Tze-phar-day-ah

3. Vermin Kee-nim

4. Beasts Arov

5. Cattle Disease De-ver

6. Boils She-heen

7. Hail Ba-rad

8. Locusts Ar-beh

9. Darkness Cho-shech

10. Slaying of the first born Ma-kat Bechorot

Following the slaying of the first born, Pharaoh allowed the Jewish people to leave. The Jews left Egypt in such haste that their dough did not rise, so they ate matzah. When Pharaoh changed his mind and chased after the Israelites, God miraculously caused the Red Sea to split, allowing the Israelites to cross safely. When the Egyptians entered the Sea, it returned to its natural state and the mighty Egyptian army drowned.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues
Source: http://jewishfederation.org/images/uploads/holiday_images/39497.pdf