The Ten Plagues

We fill our cups of wine to remember our joy in being able to leave Egypt. Yet our happiness is not complete, because the Egyptians, who are also God’s children, suffered from Pharaoh’s evil ways. Therefore, we spill a drop of wine from our cups (with a finger or spoon) as we say each plague. Let’s read them together and remove a drop of wine from our glasses as we recite each one:

דָּם   Dam………There was BLOOD in all the water of Egypt. The Egyptians could not bathe, they could not take a drink. They could not water their flowers or crops. They could not enjoy a refreshing swim.

צְפַרְדֵּֽעַ   Tzfardeah…….. FROGS hopped and croaked everywhere. No one could sleep, walk or play in peace. The noise was awful! Everything seemed to be moving and people were dizzy.

כִּנִּים   Kinim…LICE made everyone scratch their skin so hard that people hurt all over.

עָרוֹב   Arov…..WILD BEASTS galloped, slithered, snorted, growled, roared and clawed in every corner of Egypt. Soon, there was no room for the people.

דֶּֽבֶר   Dever……… There were DISEASES that could not be cured. Coughing, sneezing, sore throats, gasping for breath, watering eyes and aching arms and legs made everyone miserable.

שְׁחִין   Sh’hin ……….. BOILS burst from their skin. They were so uncomfortable! The Egyptians could not even get dressed without screaming from the pain

בָּרָד   Barad……….. HAIL rained down as dangerous balls of ice. The hail smashed roofs and damaged crops. It broke everything the Egyptians owned.

אַרְבֶּה   Arbeh………… LOCUSTS swarmed over all the trees and blades of grass. The buzzing and sound of flapping wings frightened everyone. Vegetables and fruits were gobbled up and only dust remained on the ground.

חֹֽשֶׁךְ   Hoshekh………… DARKNESS blotted the sun. People were always cold. Moonlight and stars did not appear. Everyday was pitch black.

מַכַּת בְּכוֹרוֹת   Makat B’khorot…….The first-born son of every Egyptian family died.

The Hebrews had so little time to pack that their bread did not rise. When Pharaoh changed his mind and chased after the Israelites, God miraculously caused the Red Sea to split, allowing the Israelites to cross safely. When the Egyptians entered the Sea, it returned to its natural state and the mighty Egyptian army drowned.

The Hebrews, led by Moses, survived in the desert for 40 years, under Moses' guidance. Finally, Moses delivered the Hebrews to Canaan, and they live there today in the land now called Israel.

To remember how God came to our aid in a time of need, we celebrate Passover each year on the 14th of Nisan, with eight days of unleavened bread and a feast telling the tale of deliverance from bondage. We tell this tale this year to remember and not forget.

A new and happy time began for our people. As they stood on the other side of the sea, they sang words that we still sing today:  “Who is like you oh God” You are the Eternal One, the One who saved us!”


haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues