Leader:  Let us all fill our cups with wine.  A full cup of wine symbolizes complete happiness.

Freedom is not complete until all people are free. In the story of Passover, many Egyptians suffered for the actions of their leader, the Pharaoh. To symbolize our compassion for the losses of others in times past, to indicate that our happiness is diminished when others suffer, let us diminish the wine in our cups as we recall the ten plagues that befell the Egyptian people.

Leader:  As we name each plague, let us all dip a finger in our wine and then touch a plate to remove the drop.


dam / blood

tz’fardea / frogs

kinnim / gnats

arov / flies

dever / cattle disease

schin / boils

barad / hail

arbeh / locusts

hoshech / darkness

makat b’khorot /death of the firstborn

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues