The 10 Plagues

It is a tradition to remove ten drops of wine from our cups as we recite the ten plagues as a remembrance that while the Jews were redeemed through these plagues, people did suffer. Remove a drop of wine for each plague as you recite its name.

1. דָם – Blood

2. צְּפַרְדֵּעַ – Frogs

3. כִּנִּים – Fleas

4. עָרוֹב – Wild Animals

5. דֶּבֶר – Diseased livestock

6. שְׁחִין - Boils

7. בָּרָד – Hail

8. אַרְבֶּה – Locust

9. חוֹשֶך – Darkness

10. מַכַּת בְּכוֹרוֹת – The Death of the first born

Before this final plague, God commanded Moses to inform all the Israelites to mark lamb's blood above their doors on every door in which case the LORD will pass over them.

After this, Pharaoh, furious, saddened, and afraid that he would be killed next, ordered the Israelites to leave, taking whatever they wanted, and asking Moses to bless him in the name of the Lord. The Israelites did not hesitate, believing that soon Pharaoh would once again change his mind, which he did; and at the end of that night Moses led them out of Egypt with "arms upraised". However, as the Israelites left Egypt, the Pharaoh changed his mind again and sent his army after Moses' people. The Israelites were trapped by the Red Sea. God split the sea, and they were able to pass safely. As the Egyptian army descended on them, the sea closed before they could reach the Israelites.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues