The Climate Crisis is the existential threat of our time, and perhaps all time. In and of itself it will cause massive damage, and it is connected to many other issues. Hopefully this will inspire you to wake up and act like it's an emergency, because it is an emergency.

1. Refugees escaping Climate Change

2. Diseases like Malaria spreading faster due to Climate Change

3. Income Inequality getting more extreme due to Climate Chnage

4. Isolationism, Nationalism, Fascism, and Racism growing due to Climate Change

5. Famine and Hunger due to Climate Change

6. Increased dependency on the Gulf Countries if we do not fight Climate Change

7. Loss of World Wonders and Heritage Sites due to Climate Change

8. Constant Natural Disasters due to Climate Change

9. Giant Economic Recessions due to Climate Change

10. Mass Extinction due to Climate Change

And the worst thing is that we could've done something, and we didn't.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues