Who Knows One?

1. Who knows one? I know one!

One is Hashem, one is Hashem, one is Hashem!

In the Heaven and the Earth

אחד אלוהינו שבשמיים ובארץ

2. Who knows two? I know two!

Two are the tablets that Moses brought ...

שני לוחות הברית

3. Who knows three? I know three!

Three are the fathers ...

שלושה אבות

4. Who knows four? I know four!

Four are the Mothers ...

ארבע אימהות

5. Who knows five? I know five!

Five are the books of the Torah ...

חמישה חומשי תורה

6. Who knows six? I know six!

Six are the books of the Mishnah ...

שישה סידרי משנה

7. Who knows seven? I know seven!

Seven are the days of the week ...

שיבעה ימי שבתא

8. Who knows eight? I know eight!

Eight are the days til the Brit Milah ...

שמונה ימי מילה

9. Who knows nine? I know nine!

Nine are the months til the baby's born ...

תישעה ירחי לידה

10. Who know ten? I know ten!

Ten are the Ten Commandments ...

עשרה דיבריא

11. Who knows eleven? I know eleven!

Eleven are the stars in Joseph's dream ...

אחד עשר כוכביא


12. Who knows twelve? I know twelve!

Twelve are the tribes of Israel ...

שנים עשר שיבטיא

haggadah Section: Introduction