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Pesach is about liberation.

As we think about our ancestors' journey from enslavement to freedom, we are called to acknowledge the contemporary state of our world and the ongoing battles for liberation in the face of oppression.

Pesach is about reflection.

We are tasked with reflecting on our own experiences as oppressed and oppressor, as liberated and in search of liberation. We ask how our own experiences with marginalization inform our efforts to create a world in which everyone can thrive. We also think of the ways in which we contribute to, or are complicit in, the subjucation of others.

Pesach is about conversation.

The Seder encourages us to ask "why." By making this night different from all other nights, we disrupt what is "normal." While we traditionally wonder why this night is different, we can also ponder why most other nights are the same. In the context of social justice, we commit to challenging the status quo, asking "why," and sparking conversation about inequity and liberation in our world today.

Pesach is about inclusion.

On this night, we welcome guests into our homes and make space for everyone at the table. [more words]

Pesach is about action.

