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Passover commemorates the Israelites' freedom from slavery in Egypt. The Book of Exodus in the Torah details both the persecution and the liberation of our ancestors as they fled captivity. Like many Jewish holidays, Passover makes room for both joy and sorrow, celebration and grief, anxiety and hope. As we fulfill the mitzvah of teaching our collective story to the next generation, may we honor our individual journeys in pursuit of personal freedom during this lifetime. May we take this opportunity to consider our own stories of becoming.

We must also acknowledge the ways in which slavery, imprisionment, and marginalization continue to show up in our lives and around the globe. We each have the responsibility, as a light unto the nations, to confront the actions and systems that uphold injustice and oppression in all parts of life. Passover provides a chance for us to imagine what the world could become if everyone was truly free.

You are not obligated to finish the work; neither are you free to desist from it. - Pirkei Avot 2:21

Tonight, we will recount the Israelites' liberation, enjoy some food and drinks, and reflect on our own freedom, oppression, and responsibility to the world. Enjoy!
