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-- Four Questions
Source : Milken Global Beit Midrash
Four Questions -- Mah Nishtanah

#globalteenagershaggadah #globalbeitmidrash

-- Four Questions

The general tenor of Mah Nishtanah is that Pesach is different from all other nights! In many ways, it is a night in which kids should participate, hence the purpose of this haggadah! Perhaps, on all other nights, the conversation is left for the adults, but on Pesach, kids should be involved too.

Noah W., Los Angeles

#globalbeitmidrash #globalteenagershaggadah

-- Four Questions

I think the kids shine in this section because they bring an innocent opinion to a matter which would be complicated if answered by adults. I think that the adults get more out of seeing the children respond than the children themselves do. The adults get to see the thought process of their children. They get to take a step back and observe.

Dan A., Los Angeles



-- Four Children
Source : Milken Global Beit Midrash
Four Children

#globalteenagershaggadah #globalbeitmidrash

-- Four Children

This passage is condemning the child for not appreciating his good fortune. To be wicked or rebellious is to be ungrateful of what we have. Often, even when times are bad, we are fortunate compared to many others in the world. Sammy L., Los Angeles

#globalbeitmidrash #globalteenagershaggadah

-- Four Children

A wise person is someone who recognizes that she does not know everything. She also recognizes that other people do not know everything. But she does recognize that other people may know things she does not, and that when everyone comes together, there is more wisdom.  

Naomi G., Los Angeles

#globalbeitmidrash #globalteenagershaggadah

-- Four Children

I think a wicked person is a person who holds his or her own self-interest over morality. The wicked son asks for someone else’s point of view because it’s easier to listen to someone else than to make his own opinion. He wouldn’t have stood up for himself in Egypt, and therefore wouldn’t have deserved to be redeemed.

#globalbeitmidrash #globalteenagershaggadah

-- Four Children
GBM Four Children Art Contest

Micaela F, Panama



-- Four Children
GBM Four Children Art Contest

Nathanel, M., Panama



-- Four Children
GBM Four Children Art Contest

Abby, Los Angeles


