The Wicked Child

There is a function behind every behavior. What is this "wicked child" trying to tell the adults in his/her life? No child misbehaves in order to become someone's least favorite person - so what else is going on?

Are the child's basic physical needs (sleep, nutrition) being met?

Is the child overwhelmed by sensory input?

Is the child having difficulty understanding what is expected of him/her?

Do the adults' expectations match the child's current level of functioning?

Is the child trying to show you that something is too hard? Too easy?

Is the child socially successful, or the target of bullying, teasing, or simply being left out?

It is only by identifying the function behind a behavior that we can turn the "wicked" child's actions into productive, acceptable behaviors! 

haggadah Section: -- Four Children
Source: Matan