Opening the Door

 As the seder stretched on and I started to snore,

 my Mommy said: "Quick, now! Go open the door!"

 I didn't know who could be coming right now,

 but I stifled a yawn and I stood up somehow.

 I walked to the door and I opened it wide,

 and who do you think I saw standing outside?

 My friend Uncle Eli with his beard to the floor

 was waiting there quietly next to the door!

 His eyes were still twinkling. His smile still shone bright.

 He asked: "Are you having a good time tonight?"

 I wanted to tell him about all the fun I'd been having

 since this special night had begun.

 But just as I opened my mouth to reply,

 he was gone, disappeared, in the wink of an eye!

 And I heard my Mom calling: "Come back in right now!

 We already have welcomed in Eliyahu--

 "Eliyahu shows up at our seder tonight

 to make sure that everything's going all right.

 He'll answer the questions we can't figure out.

 He"ll solve all our problems and settle our doubts.

 He also will taste from the wine in his cup,

 and we hope that this year he will cheer us all up

 by bringing us happy and wonderful news

 of a year full of freedom in store for the Jews."

haggadah Section: Bareich