
 Do you know who I am?

 Have you heard of my name?

 Once you have met me, you won't be the same.

 I show up each year towards the end of the seder.

 My eye see like telescopes, ears work like radar.

 You can't ever fool me, you can't ever hide.

 Your matzah's not safe in the house or outside.

 I'm famous, fantastic! I'll tell you, in brief--

 I'm Abie, the Afikoman-thief!

 Whenever you think that it's hidden away,

 locked up in a safe, covered over in clay,

 in the ear of a rabbit, in the mouth of a whale--

 I'll find it as quick as a wag of your tail.

 Don't bother with watchers and guarders and catchers.

 I'm Abie, the great Afikoman-snatcher!

 I find Afikomans, no matter what size.

 And I won't bring them back till you give me a prize.

 I'm quick and I'm clever, I'm smart and I'm sly.

 I hunt Afikomans wherever they lie.

 In the trunk of a tree, in the nose of a rocket,

 in the depths of a five-year-old boy's messy pocket.

 You don't stand a chance. I'm beyond all belief.

 I'm Abie the Afikoman-thief!

haggadah Section: Tzafun