Dip the egg in salt water and eat.

Before we begin our meal, it is customary to eat a hard boiled egg dipped in salt water. In different religions around the world, the hard boiled egg symbolizes renewal and the potential for life. Dipping the egg in saltwater helps us appreciate the work that has been done to disrupt rape culture in our communities, while also acknowledging that there is much more to be done. Just as this Seder is a call-to-action in the future, let us take a moment to appreciate a few social justice innovators from the past and present: 

Jane Addams - a social activist who founded the Hull House, a settlement for newly arrived immigrants. Addams also co-founded the American Civil Liberties Union, was investigated for being a radical reformer by the FBI, and was the rst woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize for her pioneering work in the social justice eld.

Ella Baker – helped found the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, which inspired young black people to become activists. Baker also played a large role in the Freedom Rides.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman - the author of “The Yellow Wallpaper,” a short story that criticized women’s roles in society and the stigma of mental illness. It was instrumental in changing societal attitudes towards the “rest cure” and the detrimental effects that it can have.

Gloria Steinem - a women’s activist, feminist, and journalist, who still continues to travel internationally as a spokes-person for equality. She co-founded the Women’s Media Center and Ms. Magazine, and uses her platform as a journalist and media gure to speak out on issues such as same-sex marriage, Black Lives Matter, and feminist theory.

Gloria Jean Watkins - known by her pen name “bell hooks,” she is a writer, feminist, and activist who uses her platform as an author to discuss intersectionality and how di erent systems of privilege lead to oppression.

Farina Khera - founded Muslim Advocates, an organization that advocates for Muslim Americans who face religious and racial profiling.

Reshma Saujani - founder of Girls Who Code, an organization whose mission is to close the gender gap between women and men in STEM elds.

YOU - we all have the potential to make a positive difference in this world. So, as we eat this joyous meal and reflect on the accomplishments of others, let us think about our own accomplishments: what we have achieved so far in our lives and what potential the future holds. 

haggadah Section: Shulchan Oreich
Source: Revenge of Dinah: A Feminist Seder on Rape Culture in the Jewish Community