Oseh Shalom Bim-romav Hu Yaaseh Shalom Aleinu Ve-al Kol Yisrael Ve-Imru Amen

With the third cup of wine we remember God’s promise to redeem the Israelites with an outstretched arm. With this cup we turn our thoughts to those who offered a helping hand. We raise this glass of juice to those who use their privileges, status, power, and resources to stand against our culture of permissiveness around sexual violence.

Fill your third cup of juice, and recite the acrostic below in praise of accomplices who risk their own privileges and sometimes safety to stand against rape culture. Refill your cup immediately.

Blessings- We are grateful to have blessings and prayers to turn to when even our accomplices fail us. We are always able to connect to our source, and this is an internal power that is always accessible to us.

Acceptance- We are grateful for those who bring safety to our lives by accepting us for the person that we are. The people who bring safety and acceptance to our lives, also help us heal when we are suffering from pain.

Relief- We are grateful to have existing social justice organizations in our community that provide healing, justice, and community.

Existence- We are grateful to have the opportunity to exist in this space so that we can learn about rape culture and use our knowledge to try and eliminate it from society.

Consent- We are grateful for the partners that respect our space and listen to us when we give permission to touch us, and when we don’t.

Heart- We are thankful for the love that exists in the world and for those who are willing to use their privileges to call out and call in those who perpetuate both benevolent and hostile violence.

Raise your glass as you recite this blessing, and then enjoy your third cup of juice.

haggadah Section: Bareich
Source: Revenge of Dinah: A Feminist Seder on Rape Culture in the Jewish Community