SAY: Magid means ‘storytelling’ this is when we get to focus on the story of the Exodus from Egypt—Moses, Plagues, and all. In every generation we retell this epic story of liberation as though we were actually there. Every year we make the seder our own, linking past and present, nostalgia and the news. We make new meaning of our myths and stories, seeking to make some sense of our reality and to build a better world for the future. Tonight we tell the story using any or all of these options.

SING: The Four Questions (traditionally sung by the youngest person at the seder table)
Prefer to listen? Here’s a cute kid singing for you, or there’s Four Questioncappella.
Add one or two questions of your own.

DO: Share screen (check out the middle green button on bottom of your Zoom
screen) to watch these short videos, or read aloud selected texts:
Kids: Animated Passover Story in 10 Scenes (3:30 minutes)
Families: Act it out with ShirLaLa’s interactive Passover story script
Adults: DIY maggid—use the traditional text from here, more creative options
here, or download a seder supplement that ties the Magid to the refugee
crisis, hunger, human justice, or earth justice.
Poets: Maggid—poem by Marge Piercy
Queer it Up with this Broadway version of the story

DO: Raise up your Matza—fill the screen!

We are raising this bread of affliction,
eaten by our ancestors when they were enslaved in
the narrow place, the land of Egypt.
May all who are hungry have enough to eat. Let all
who are in need, come and “passover” with us.
This year, we are here.
Next year, in our homelands of promise.
This year, we are still enslaved.
Next year, we yearn to be free

Ha lach’ma anya di achalu
av’hatana b’ar’a d’mitzrayim.
Kol dich’fin yeitei v’yeichol,
kol ditz’rich yeitei v’yif’sach.
Hashata ha’cha l’shanah ha’ba’ah
b’ar’a d’yisrael.
Hashata av’dei
l’shanah ha’ba’ah b’nei chorin

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning