Golden Girls Matzah

We’re almost there! But first it’s time for some matzah! Remember, Rose is still looking for the afikoman, bless her heart. While she does that, pick up the three matzahs and say…

“Blessed be You, Lord our God, King of the World, Who brings bread out of the earth.”

But don’t eat em just yet! Now drop the bottom one and say…

“Blessed be You, Lord our God, King of the World, Who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us concerning eating matzah.”

Pass it around while reclining. If you’re like Blanche, you’ll probably comment on how dry the matzah is, which of course will inspire a story about a time when you slept with a dry man (whatever that means). Just smile and so that you can get on to the cheesecake. 

haggadah Section: Motzi-Matzah
Source: H. Alan Scott