Excerpts from “Maror and Maggid: Clearing My Throat”
by Rabbi Mira Rivera, Romemu, NYC

They have reason to worry
because multiply we have
multiplied and we are the Other
African Latinx Asian and in-between
by way of Shanghai Bnei Anusim Cochin Jew Abayudaya
Jewish by way of mother by way of father you challenge
Observant by way of secular parents who may be practicing
Baal Baalat Teshuvah Jew
Jewish by Sefarad to the letter
by way of Yosef Caro
By way of the Rema
Strictly Halachic Jew
Neither Sefardi neither Mizrachi
neither Ashkenazi neither Israeli
Still a Diaspora Jew

I eat with my fingers
I dine with fine crystal
I have cheeks burning
Peach ruddy roasted warm coffee
Desert mocha midnight blue black Jew...
Jew in the pew Pew Report Jew
Forever an immigrant forever Yisrael
Forever wrestling honestly
Still proud to be a Jew

And yes, you’re very welcome
I’m a Person of Color
you can look at me
You can see me
I’m a Jew of Color
And I claim my space
But I do get it
Gotta justify presence
in almost every Jewish space
So where were we again?
Yes, I am Jewish
This is my name
I am not intermarried
And I did not take his name
Yes, I am a convert
Yes, I am a Rabbi
I am here just like you
And yes I am a Jew
So where were we again?
Now you tell me all about you

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: The Other Side of the River, The Other Side of the Sea