Eliana Light was the first place winner of Fair Trade Judaica's song contest.

Eliana: “When we celebrate Passover, it is crucial not just to remember our own suffering, but to recognize that there is suffering and slavery still happening today. In this song, I try to give voice to the hardships of children worker’s in the cocoa fields, connect their plight to Passover, and encourage people to make conscious consumption choices to help end exploitation in manufacturing and trade. I chose B’shana Ha’baah because of its repetitive, easy melody, but also because of its hopeful message of a better, more peaceful tomorrow.”

B'shana Ha'Zeh (This Year)

Verse 1:
Long ago, king Pharaoh
when we were slaves in Egypt
made us do heavy work with no pay now we’re free, but you see
there still are those who suffer making things that we use every day!

Chorus 1:
Can we see, can we see just how good it will be when we all, when we all will be free?

Can we see, can we see just how good it will be when we all, when we all will be free?

Verse 2:
Children work in the fields
in dangerous conditions
picking most of the world’s cocoa beans All alone, far from home
They do the heavy lifting
and get hurt using harmful machines!

Chorus 2:
Do you see, do you see
our responsibility
to end war, hunger and poverty?

Do you see, do you see
just how good it will be
when we all, when we all can be free!

Verse 3:
Because once we were slaves and strangers back in Egypt

Eliana Light

It’s our duty to help and to care
for all those still enslaved
Because the Torah teaches
that all workers deserve their fair share

Chorus 3:
On this Passover night
we can join in the fight
When we buy chocolate, coffee and tea

Always think when you buy
how it got there and why
so our trade can be fair, not just free

Then we’ll see, then we’ll see just how good it will be
when we all help to end poverty

Every choice that we make
is a step we can take
to ensure that the world will be free! 

haggadah Section: Songs
Source: Eliana Light