April 01, 2020

Join Us For Zoom Q&A, Prayer Writing & More

Posted by Haggadot

1. Join Us This Friday at 12pm EST for Virtual Office Hours

Come join us on Zoom & Facebook Live this Friday with your all your Haggadah-making questions. We're happy to help!


2. Join us Sunday, April 5 for a Prayer Writing Workshop with Trisha Arlin

Join liturgist Trisha Arlin for a 90-minute workshop in which she will guide you through several writing prompts to create your own prayers for Passover and other moments of reflection. 

3. Reminder: Check out Webinar: The Art of Virtual Seders

We've had a tremendous response to our free webinar with tips for hosting your very own virtual seder. You can view the recorded session & presentation on our blog. Want to schedule a private webinar or Q&A session for your community? Email us!


4. Site Maintenance: Tonight 3am EST / 1am PST

Heads up night owls: Haggadot.com will be offline for about 90 minutes starting at 3am EST tomorrow morning (4/1) while we upgrade our servers AGAIN. If you’re up all night working on your Seder, 1) remember to save and 2) maybe try to get a little sleep? ;)


5. We Have So Much New Content!

We've been added resources daily to help you make you seder great. Check out our Coloring Book Haggadah, Secular Haggadah, Minimalist Haggadah, and 2020 Favorites.


6. Join us April 12 for Haggadot.com's Virtual Seder 

Finally, mark your calendars for 2 pm ET /11 am PT on 4/12 for our own virtual seder! Join our team and journalist, Esther Kustanowitz, plus special guests for an everyone-welcome, fifth night seder.